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Array ( [product_image_large] => /productmedia/wnc_schwimmwestenshopde/_images/2/34360222_0_2.jpg [product_image_full] => /productmedia/wnc_schwimmwestenshopde/_images/0/34360222_0_0.jpg [product_id] => 240155 [product_label] => 7513dca8-1c59-4f72-99f3-7c47525b527a [product_name] => Rider Paddle schwimmweste rot [product_price] => [product_price_after_tax] => [product_standard_price] => [product_standard_price_after_tax] => [product_special_price] => [product_special_price_after_tax] => [product_current_price] => 60.3223 [product_current_price_after_tax] => 72,99 [normal_price] => 70.25 [normal_price_after_tax] => 85,00 [product_description] => Specially designed for paddle sports, the Rider life vest is a low-bulk, easy-to-wear and comfortable buoyancy aid. A central front zipper makes it simple to put on and take off. It has soft foam front and a supportive back. The fabric is a durable Oxford nylon. You can adjust the fit at the waist and at the shoulders. This vest is certified to ISO 12402-5.FeaturesAdjustable closureHH® printed logoChest printAdjustable waist50N BuoyancyDurable Nylon Oxford FabricAdjustable shoulder straps [short_description] => Helly Hansen Rider Paddle schwimmweste rot [product_manufacturer] => Helly Hansen [product_manufacturer_image] => /productmedia/_manufacturers/Helly Hansen.jpg [product_manufacturer_image_full] => /database_files/wnc_schwimmwestenshopde/0/0/80663_0_0.jpg [product_quantity] => 1 [product_scenario_title] => [product_scenario_description] => [is_new] => [is_fr] => [is_fd] => [product_type] => schwimmwesten [product_type_image] => [product_type_label] => schwimmwesten/ [product_type_link] => /schwimmwesten/ [product_type_title] => Schwimmwesten kaufen? | [product_type_menu] => Schwimmwesten kaufen? >> Schwimmwesten >> shop online >> kostenlose Lieferung >> alles auf Lager >> der Schwimmwesten Spezialist [size_table] => [seotitle] => Helly Hansen Rider Paddle schwimmweste rot - | schwimmwesten [metakeywords] => Helly Hansen Rider Paddle schwimmweste rot , 34360222 , Helly Hansen , schwimmwesten [metadescription] => Helly Hansen Rider Paddle schwimmweste rot | Vor 21 Uhr bestellt, direkt geschickt | | shop schwimmwesten | Kostenloser versand und Rückversand [media_url] => [sku] => 34360222 [no_other_products_in_group] => 2 [no_product_attribute_values] => 6 [no_product_combinations] => 0 [canonical_url] => [show_annotation] => [annotation_key] => [annotation_content] => [alternate_urls_html] => [alternate_hreflang_urls_html] => [standard_delivery_time] => 2 [categories_name] => [categories_link] => /products/wnc [related_combi_count] => 0 [related_products_count] => 3 [products_in_category_count] => 50 [google_product_sizes] => Array ( [0] => stdClass Object ( [size] => 30-40 kg [barcode] => 7040058345794 [stock] => 1 [sort_order] => 6085 [delivery_time] => 2 [expected_delivery_date] => 0001-01-01 00:00:00 [size_type_id] => 222886 [size_id] => 222951 [availability] => inStock ) [1] => stdClass Object ( [size] => 40-50 kg [barcode] => 7040058345800 [stock] => 1 [sort_order] => 6100 [delivery_time] => 2 [expected_delivery_date] => 0001-01-01 00:00:00 [size_type_id] => 222886 [size_id] => 222971 [availability] => inStock ) [2] => stdClass Object ( [size] => 50-60 kg [barcode] => 7040058345817 [stock] => 1 [sort_order] => 6120 [delivery_time] => 2 [expected_delivery_date] => 0001-01-01 00:00:00 [size_type_id] => 222886 [size_id] => 222981 [availability] => inStock ) [3] => stdClass Object ( [size] => 60-70 kg [barcode] => 7040058345824 [stock] => -1 [sort_order] => 6140 [delivery_time] => 2 [expected_delivery_date] => 0001-01-01 00:00:00 [size_type_id] => 222886 [size_id] => 222985 [availability] => deliveryTime2 ) [4] => stdClass Object ( [size] => 70-90 kg [barcode] => 7040058345831 [stock] => -1 [sort_order] => 6160 [delivery_time] => 2 [expected_delivery_date] => 0001-01-01 00:00:00 [size_type_id] => 222886 [size_id] => 222977 [availability] => deliveryTime2 ) [5] => stdClass Object ( [size] => 90+ kg [barcode] => 7040058345848 [stock] => -1 [sort_order] => 6190 [delivery_time] => 2 [expected_delivery_date] => 0001-01-01 00:00:00 [size_type_id] => 222886 [size_id] => 222956 [availability] => deliveryTime2 ) ) [google_product_first_size] => 30-40 kg [google_product_first_size_barcode] => 7040058345794 [google_product_id] => 34360222-7040058345794 [google_product_category] => 1128 [google_product_type] => schwimmwesten [google_product_name] => Helly Hansen Rider Paddle schwimmweste rot [google_product_total_value] => 60.3223 [symbol_present] => 0 [cart_id] => -1 [review_rating] => [review_rating_rounded] => 0 [review_no] => 0 [language] => de_DE [country] => DE [vat] => 21 [title] => Helly Hansen Rider Paddle schwimmweste rot - [googleanalytics] => [winkel] => [urlencodedtitle] => [selected_menu_item] => schwimmwesten/ [trustpilot_id] => 2131120 [google_page_category] => product [shop_label] => wnc_schwimmwestenshopde [_domain_mapping__dm_url] => [shop_domain] => [shop_email_domain] => [release-key] => asd736fdas65dsdf [row_no] => [detail_image_normal] => /productmedia/wnc_schwimmwestenshopde/_images/3/34360222_3_3.jpg [detail_image_full] => /productmedia/wnc_schwimmwestenshopde/_images/0/34360222_3_0.jpg [row_type] => Even [prop_formaat] => [prop_kleur] => [other_product_in_group_image_small] => /productmedia/wnc_schwimmwestenshopde/_images/3/34360597_0_3.jpg [other_product_in_group_name] => Rider Paddle schwimmweste navy blau [other_product_in_group_slug] => schwimmwesten/helly-hansen-rider-paddle-zwemvest-navy [link_id] => 240155 [attribute_id] => 222886 [attribute_menu] => [attribute_name] => Größe [products_attribute_id] => 10458145 [products_attribute_price] => 0 [attribute_value_image] => [attribute_value_id] => 222956 [attribute_value_name] => 90+ kg [attribute_value_menu] => 90+ kg [attribute_value_sort_order] => 6190 [selected] => 1 [isSelected] => )
Specially designed for paddle sports, the Rider life vest is a low-bulk, easy-to-wear and comfortable buoyancy aid. A central front zipper makes it simple to put on and take off. It has soft foam front and a supportive back. The fabric is a durable Oxford nylon. You can adjust the fit at the waist and at the shoulders. This vest is certified to ISO 12402-5.
Adjustable closure
HH® printed logo
Chest print
Adjustable waist
50N Buoyancy
Durable Nylon Oxford Fabric
Adjustable shoulder straps
Wie schließt du die Weste? Wählen Sie hier die Option, die Sie bevorzugen.
Wählen Sie hier den gewünschten Auftrieb aus. Schwimmwesten haben 50N Auftrieb und Rettungswesten haben 100N Auftrieb.
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