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Array ( [product_image_large] => /productmedia/wnc_schwimmwestenshopde/_images/2/dw-at-m70-afo_0_2.jpg [product_image_full] => /productmedia/wnc_schwimmwestenshopde/_images/0/dw-at-m70-afo_0_0.jpg [product_id] => 236532 [product_label] => 12f6069e-3596-4b95-9364-35c6166426f0 [product_name] => Alto manuell, orange [product_price] => [product_price_after_tax] => [product_standard_price] => [product_standard_price_after_tax] => [product_special_price] => [product_special_price_after_tax] => [product_current_price] => 52.8926 [product_current_price_after_tax] => 64,00 [normal_price] => 57.81 [normal_price_after_tax] => 69,95 [product_description] => The Spinlock Deckvest Alto is a compact and lightweight inflatable lifejacket that can be worn around the waist, either front or back. It is perfect for many water activities such as dragon boat racing, fishing, wind surfing, river racing, rowing , kayaking, stand up paddle boarding and many more activities. Its neat "bum bag" style wont get in the way whilst working and playing on the water. Packed with 75N buoyancy, simply pull the tab on the belt to inflate and deploy the horseshoe buoy. It can be adjusted at the waist and it can be easily resized to suit whoever is wearing it. An essential life saving device thats so neat and compact you will forget you are wearing it. 75N buoyancy Compact Lightweight Adjustable waist belt Can be worn front or back Manually activated with a 16g CO2 cylinder Additional oral inflation and deflation tube ISO12402-5 approved [short_description] => The Spinlock Deckvest Alto is a compact and lightweight inflatable lifejacket that can be worn around the waist, either front or back. It is perfect for many water activities such as dragon boat racing, fishing, wind surfing, river racing, rowing , kayaking, stand up paddle boarding and many more activities. Its neat "bum bag" style wont get in the way whilst working and playing on the water. Packed with 75N buoyancy, simply pull the tab on the belt to inflate and deploy the horseshoe buoy. It can be adjusted at the waist and it can be easily resized to suit whoever is wearing it. An essential life saving device thats so neat and compact you will forget you are wearing it. 75N buoyancy Compact Lightweight Adjustable waist belt Can be worn front or back Manually activated with a 16g CO2 cylinder Additional oral inflation and deflation tube ISO12402-5 approved [product_manufacturer] => Spinlock [product_manufacturer_image] => /productmedia/_manufacturers/Spinlock.jpg [product_manufacturer_image_full] => /database_files/wnc_schwimmwestenshopde/0/0/80662_0_0.jpg [product_quantity] => 1 [product_scenario_title] => [product_scenario_description] => [is_new] => [is_fr] => [is_fd] => [product_type] => schwimmwesten für paddle sports [product_type_image] => [product_type_label] => schwimmwesten-paddle-sports/ [product_type_link] => /schwimmwesten-paddle-sports/ [product_type_title] => Schwimmwesten für paddle sports kaufen? | [product_type_menu] => Schwimmwesten für paddle sports kaufen? >> Schwimmwesten für paddle sports >> shop online >> kostenlose Lieferung >> alles auf Lager >> der Schwimmwesten Spezialist [size_table] => [seotitle] => Spinlock Alto manuell, orange - | schwimmwesten für paddle sports [metakeywords] => Spinlock Alto manuell, orange , DW-AT-M70-AFO , Spinlock , schwimmwesten für paddle sports [metadescription] => Spinlock Alto manuell, orange >> Vor 21 Uhr bestellt, direkt geschickt | >> shop schwimmwesten für paddle sports >> Kostenloser versand und Rückversand [media_url] => [sku] => DW-AT-M70-AFO [no_other_products_in_group] => 2 [no_product_attribute_values] => 1 [no_product_combinations] => 0 [canonical_url] => [show_annotation] => [annotation_key] => [annotation_content] => [alternate_urls_html] => [alternate_hreflang_urls_html] => [standard_delivery_time] => 2 [categories_name] => [categories_link] => /products/wnc [related_combi_count] => 0 [related_products_count] => 3 [products_in_category_count] => 50 [google_product_sizes] => Array ( [0] => stdClass Object ( [size] => 40+ kg [barcode] => 9988776655443 [stock] => 3 [sort_order] => 6115 [delivery_time] => 2 [expected_delivery_date] => 2024-09-14 00:00:00 [size_type_id] => 222886 [size_id] => 222963 [availability] => inStock ) ) [google_product_first_size] => 40+ kg [google_product_first_size_barcode] => 9988776655443 [google_product_id] => DW-AT-M70-AFO-9988776655443 [google_product_category] => 1128 [google_product_type] => schwimmwesten für paddle sports [google_product_name] => Spinlock Alto manuell, orange [google_product_total_value] => 52.8926 [symbol_present] => 0 [cart_id] => -1 [review_rating] => [review_rating_rounded] => 0 [review_no] => 0 [language] => de_DE [country] => DE [vat] => 21 [title] => Spinlock Alto manuell, orange - [googleanalytics] => [winkel] => [urlencodedtitle] => [selected_menu_item] => schwimmwesten-paddle-sports/ [trustpilot_id] => 2131120 [google_page_category] => product [shop_label] => wnc_schwimmwestenshopde [_domain_mapping__dm_url] => [shop_domain] => [shop_email_domain] => [release-key] => asd736fdas65dsdf [row_no] => [detail_image_normal] => /productmedia/wnc_schwimmwestenshopde/_images/3/dw-at-m70-afo_3_3.jpg [detail_image_full] => /productmedia/wnc_schwimmwestenshopde/_images/0/dw-at-m70-afo_3_0.jpg [row_type] => Odd [prop_formaat] => [prop_kleur] => [other_product_in_group_image_small] => /productmedia/wnc_schwimmwestenshopde/_images/3/dw-at-m75-mr_0_3.jpg [other_product_in_group_name] => Alto manueel rot [other_product_in_group_slug] => schwimmwesten-paddle-sports/spinlock-alto-manueel-rot [link_id] => 236532 [attribute_id] => 222886 [attribute_menu] => [attribute_name] => Größe [products_attribute_id] => 10476170 [products_attribute_price] => 0 [attribute_value_image] => [attribute_value_id] => 222963 [attribute_value_name] => 40+ kg [attribute_value_menu] => 40+ kg [attribute_value_sort_order] => 6115 [selected] => 1 [isSelected] => )
The Spinlock Deckvest Alto is a compact and lightweight inflatable lifejacket that can be worn around the waist, either front or back. It is perfect for many water activities such as dragon boat racing, fishing, wind surfing, river racing, rowing , kayaking, stand up paddle boarding and many more activities. Its neat "bum bag" style wont get in the way whilst working and playing on the water. Packed with 75N buoyancy, simply pull the tab on the belt to inflate and deploy the horseshoe buoy. It can be adjusted at the waist and it can be easily resized to suit whoever is wearing it. An essential life saving device thats so neat and compact you will forget you are wearing it. 75N buoyancy Compact Lightweight Adjustable waist belt Can be worn front or back Manually activated with a 16g CO2 cylinder Additional oral inflation and deflation tube ISO12402-5 approved
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