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Array ( [product_image_large] => /productmedia/wnc_schwimmwestenshopde/_images/2/1575-000-1_0_2.jpg [product_image_full] => /productmedia/wnc_schwimmwestenshopde/_images/0/1575-000-1_0_0.jpg [product_id] => 235904 [product_label] => c856475a-c2b8-4521-8825-faa848a6359f [product_name] => Winner 165N aufblasbare rettungswesten harness rot [product_price] => [product_price_after_tax] => [product_standard_price] => [product_standard_price_after_tax] => [product_special_price] => [product_special_price_after_tax] => [product_current_price] => 98.3388 [product_current_price_after_tax] => 118,99 [normal_price] => 103.26 [normal_price_after_tax] => 124,94 [product_description] => Baltic Winner 165N aufblasbare rettungswesten harness rot.Baltic Winner is our entry-level model among inflatable life jackets. A flexible and modern vest that protects you well in most situations. Uncompromising quality, function and fit testify to a Baltic construction. Enjoy a soft fleece collar and strong outer fabric. The crotch strap is detachable, and the Baltic Winner has a carrying capacity of 165N. The classification as a life jacket means that It is designed to always turn the user to a supine position and keep the airways above the water surface by a good margin, even if the user has lost consciousness or cannot swim.. After about three seconds in the water, Winner inflates automatically (with manual backup). The vest's inflation valve is connected to an airtight lung for maximum function and safety. The carbon dioxide cartridge is secured against involuntary screwing up, just like on all Baltics inflatable vests. The inflation is a harmless, food-grade carbon dioxide. [short_description] => baltic Winner 165N aufblasbare rettungswesten harness rot [product_manufacturer] => baltic [product_manufacturer_image] => /productmedia/_manufacturers/baltic.jpg [product_manufacturer_image_full] => [product_quantity] => 1 [product_scenario_title] => [product_scenario_description] => [is_new] => 1 [is_fr] => [is_fd] => [product_type] => Baltic schwimmwesten [product_type_image] => [product_type_label] => baltic/ [product_type_link] => /baltic/ [product_type_title] => Baltic rettungsweste kaufen? | [product_type_menu] => Baltic schwimmwest kaufen? >> Baltic rettungsweste >> shop online >> kostenlose Lieferung >> alles auf Lager >> Der Schwimmwesten Spezialist [size_table] => [seotitle] => baltic Winner 165N aufblasbare rettungswesten harness rot - | Baltic schwimmwesten [metakeywords] => baltic Winner 165N aufblasbare rettungswesten harness rot , 1575-000-1 , baltic , Baltic schwimmwesten [metadescription] => baltic Winner 165N aufblasbare rettungswesten harness rot >> Vor 21 Uhr bestellt, direkt geschickt | >> shop Baltic schwimmwesten >> Kostenloser versand und Rückversand [media_url] => [sku] => 1575-000-1 [no_other_products_in_group] => 7 [no_product_attribute_values] => 1 [no_product_combinations] => 0 [canonical_url] => [show_annotation] => [annotation_key] => [annotation_content] => [alternate_urls_html] => [alternate_hreflang_urls_html] => [standard_delivery_time] => 2 [categories_name] => [categories_link] => /products/wnc [related_combi_count] => 0 [related_products_count] => 3 [products_in_category_count] => 50 [google_product_sizes] => Array ( [0] => stdClass Object ( [size] => 40+ kg [barcode] => 7392715157517 [stock] => 7 [sort_order] => 6115 [delivery_time] => 2 [expected_delivery_date] => 0001-01-01 00:00:00 [size_type_id] => 222886 [size_id] => 222963 [availability] => inStock ) ) [google_product_first_size] => 40+ kg [google_product_first_size_barcode] => 7392715157517 [google_product_id] => 1575-000-1-7392715157517 [google_product_category] => 1128 [google_product_type] => Baltic schwimmwesten [google_product_name] => baltic Winner 165N aufblasbare rettungswesten harness rot [google_product_total_value] => 98.3388 [symbol_present] => 0 [cart_id] => -1 [review_rating] => [review_rating_rounded] => 0 [review_no] => 0 [language] => de_DE [country] => DE [vat] => 21 [title] => baltic Winner 165N aufblasbare rettungswesten harness rot - [googleanalytics] => [winkel] => [urlencodedtitle] => [selected_menu_item] => baltic/ [trustpilot_id] => 2131120 [google_page_category] => product [shop_label] => wnc_schwimmwestenshopde [_domain_mapping__dm_url] => [shop_domain] => [shop_email_domain] => [release-key] => asd736fdas65dsdf [row_no] => [detail_image_normal] => /productmedia/wnc_schwimmwestenshopde/_images/3/1575-000-1_3_3.jpg [detail_image_full] => /productmedia/wnc_schwimmwestenshopde/_images/0/1575-000-1_3_0.jpg [row_type] => Odd [prop_formaat] => [prop_kleur] => [other_product_in_group_image_small] => /productmedia/wnc_schwimmwestenshopde/_images/3/1595-000-1_0_3.jpg [other_product_in_group_name] => Winner 165N aufblasbare rettungswesten rot [other_product_in_group_slug] => baltic/baltic-winner-165n-aufblasbare-rettungswesten-rot [link_id] => 235904 [attribute_id] => 222886 [attribute_menu] => [attribute_name] => Größe [products_attribute_id] => 10467967 [products_attribute_price] => 0 [attribute_value_image] => [attribute_value_id] => 222963 [attribute_value_name] => 40+ kg [attribute_value_menu] => 40+ kg [attribute_value_sort_order] => 6115 [selected] => 1 [isSelected] => )
Baltic Winner 165N aufblasbare rettungswesten harness rot.
Baltic Winner is our entry-level model among inflatable life jackets. A flexible and modern vest that protects you well in most situations. Uncompromising quality, function and fit testify to a Baltic construction. Enjoy a soft fleece collar and strong outer fabric. The crotch strap is detachable, and the Baltic Winner has a carrying capacity of 165N. The classification as a life jacket means that It is designed to always turn the user to a supine position and keep the airways above the water surface by a good margin, even if the user has lost consciousness or cannot swim.. After about three seconds in the water, Winner inflates automatically (with manual backup). The vest's inflation valve is connected to an airtight lung for maximum function and safety. The carbon dioxide cartridge is secured against involuntary screwing up, just like on all Baltics inflatable vests. The inflation is a harmless, food-grade carbon dioxide.
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