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  5. baltic Legend 165N aufblasbare rettungswesten harness rot
baltic Legend 165N aufblasbare rettungswesten harness rot
baltic Legend 165N aufblasbare rettungswesten harness rot
baltic Legend 165N aufblasbare rettungswesten harness rot
baltic Legend 165N aufblasbare rettungswesten harness rot
baltic Legend 165N aufblasbare rettungswesten harness rot
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baltic Legend 165N aufblasbare rettungswesten harness rot

179.95 174.99
baltic Legend 165N aufblasbare rettungswesten harness rot
baltic Legend 165N aufblasbare rettungswesten harness rot
baltic Legend 165N aufblasbare rettungswesten harness rot
baltic Legend 165N aufblasbare rettungswesten harness rot
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    [product_image_large] => /productmedia/wnc_schwimmwestenshopde/_images/2/1786-000-1_0_2.jpg
    [product_image_full] => /productmedia/wnc_schwimmwestenshopde/_images/0/1786-000-1_0_0.jpg
    [product_id] => 235935
    [product_label] => 6ac10e14-f234-408a-96e3-2545c619bb5a
    [product_name] => Legend 165N aufblasbare rettungswesten harness rot
    [product_price] => 
    [product_price_after_tax] => 
    [product_standard_price] => 
    [product_standard_price_after_tax] => 
    [product_special_price] => 
    [product_special_price_after_tax] => 
    [product_current_price] => 144.6198
    [product_current_price_after_tax] => 174,99
    [normal_price] => 148.72
    [normal_price_after_tax] => 179,95
    [product_description] => 

Baltic Legend 165N aufblasbare rettungswesten harness rot.

Our best-selling inflatable lifejacket Legend 165 with integrated safety harness. Legend sits further out on the shoulders and further back from the neck than other models, this in combination with soft and flexible materials makes it a very comfortable lifejacket. A safety harness with woven loop and airy mesh lining in the back. Equipped with inspection window, the valve's green indicators show that the lifejacket is charged and ready for use. Detachable crotch strap and whistle. Carrying capacity 165 and is classified as a life jacket. A lifejacket saves lives. It is designed to always turn the user to a supine position and keep the airways clear above the water surface by a good margin, even if the user is unconsciousness or cannot swim. Lifejackets are available with inflatable lung or with solid buoyant material, common to all is that in the activated position they have most of the buoyancy on the front and a sturdy collar that supports and holds up the head. A lifejacket is the obvious choice for people who cannot swim. Lifejackets always have a carrying capacity of at least 100N. The inflatable models are divided into different classes depending on the conditions under which they are to be used. An automatic lifejacket inflates when the user ends up in the water, while a manual lifejacket must be activated by the user. 

[short_description] => Baltic Legend 165N aufblasbare rettungswesten harness rot [product_manufacturer] => baltic [product_manufacturer_image] => /productmedia/_manufacturers/baltic.jpg [product_manufacturer_image_full] => [product_quantity] => 1 [product_scenario_title] => [product_scenario_description] => [is_new] => 1 [is_fr] => [is_fd] => [product_type] => Baltic schwimmwesten [product_type_image] => [product_type_label] => baltic/ [product_type_link] => /baltic/ [product_type_title] => Baltic rettungsweste kaufen? | [product_type_menu] => Baltic schwimmwest kaufen? >> Baltic rettungsweste >> shop online >> kostenlose Lieferung >> alles auf Lager >> Der Schwimmwesten Spezialist [size_table] => [seotitle] => baltic Legend 165N aufblasbare rettungswesten harness rot - | Baltic schwimmwesten [metakeywords] => baltic Legend 165N aufblasbare rettungswesten harness rot , 1786-000-1 , baltic , Baltic schwimmwesten [metadescription] => baltic Legend 165N aufblasbare rettungswesten harness rot >> Vor 21 Uhr bestellt, direkt geschickt | >> shop Baltic schwimmwesten >> Kostenloser versand und Rückversand [media_url] => [sku] => 1786-000-1 [no_other_products_in_group] => 2 [no_product_attribute_values] => 1 [no_product_combinations] => 0 [canonical_url] => [show_annotation] => [annotation_key] => [annotation_content] => [alternate_urls_html] => [alternate_hreflang_urls_html] => [standard_delivery_time] => 2 [categories_name] => [categories_link] => /products/wnc [related_combi_count] => 0 [related_products_count] => 3 [products_in_category_count] => 50 [google_product_sizes] => Array ( [0] => stdClass Object ( [size] => 40+ kg [barcode] => 7392715178611 [stock] => 3 [sort_order] => 6115 [delivery_time] => 2 [expected_delivery_date] => 0001-01-01 00:00:00 [size_type_id] => 222886 [size_id] => 222963 [availability] => inStock ) ) [google_product_first_size] => 40+ kg [google_product_first_size_barcode] => 7392715178611 [google_product_id] => 1786-000-1-7392715178611 [google_product_category] => 1128 [google_product_type] => Baltic schwimmwesten [google_product_name] => baltic Legend 165N aufblasbare rettungswesten harness rot [google_product_total_value] => 144.6198 [symbol_present] => 0 [cart_id] => -1 [review_rating] => [review_rating_rounded] => 0 [review_no] => 0 [language] => de_DE [country] => DE [vat] => 21 [title] => baltic Legend 165N aufblasbare rettungswesten harness rot - [googleanalytics] => [winkel] => [urlencodedtitle] => [selected_menu_item] => baltic/ [trustpilot_id] => 2131120 [google_page_category] => product [shop_label] => wnc_schwimmwestenshopde [_domain_mapping__dm_url] => [shop_domain] => [shop_email_domain] => [release-key] => asd736fdas65dsdf [row_no] => [detail_image_normal] => /productmedia/wnc_schwimmwestenshopde/_images/3/1786-000-1_3_3.jpg [detail_image_full] => /productmedia/wnc_schwimmwestenshopde/_images/0/1786-000-1_3_0.jpg [row_type] => Odd [prop_formaat] => [prop_kleur] => [other_product_in_group_image_small] => /productmedia/wnc_schwimmwestenshopde/_images/3/1795-000-1_0_3.jpg [other_product_in_group_name] => Legend 165N SLA automatische Rettungsweste mit Gurt schwarz [other_product_in_group_slug] => baltic/baltic-legend-165n-sla-automatische-rettungsweste-mit-gurt-schwarz [link_id] => 235935 [attribute_id] => 222886 [attribute_menu] => [attribute_name] => Größe [products_attribute_id] => 10468006 [products_attribute_price] => 0 [attribute_value_image] => [attribute_value_id] => 222963 [attribute_value_name] => 40+ kg [attribute_value_menu] => 40+ kg [attribute_value_sort_order] => 6115 [selected] => 1 [isSelected] => )
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Baltic Legend 165N aufblasbare rettungswesten harness rot.

Our best-selling inflatable lifejacket Legend 165 with integrated safety harness. Legend sits further out on the shoulders and further back from the neck than other models, this in combination with soft and flexible materials makes it a very comfortable lifejacket. A safety harness with woven loop and airy mesh lining in the back. Equipped with inspection window, the valve's green indicators show that the lifejacket is charged and ready for use. Detachable crotch strap and whistle. Carrying capacity 165 and is classified as a life jacket. A lifejacket saves lives. It is designed to always turn the user to a supine position and keep the airways clear above the water surface by a good margin, even if the user is unconsciousness or cannot swim. Lifejackets are available with inflatable lung or with solid buoyant material, common to all is that in the activated position they have most of the buoyancy on the front and a sturdy collar that supports and holds up the head. A lifejacket is the obvious choice for people who cannot swim. Lifejackets always have a carrying capacity of at least 100N. The inflatable models are divided into different classes depending on the conditions under which they are to be used. An automatic lifejacket inflates when the user ends up in the water, while a manual lifejacket must be activated by the user. 

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