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Array ( [product_image_large] => /productmedia/wnc_schwimmwestenshopde/_images/2/0107-000-1_0_2.jpg [product_image_full] => /productmedia/wnc_schwimmwestenshopde/_images/0/0107-000-1_0_0.jpg [product_id] => 235893 [product_label] => 08af18c9-aacd-459b-b332-50b152317e40 [product_name] => elastic 2 haken safety line 2m schwarz [product_price] => [product_price_after_tax] => [product_standard_price] => [product_standard_price_after_tax] => [product_special_price] => [product_special_price_after_tax] => [product_current_price] => 57.843 [product_current_price_after_tax] => 69,99 [normal_price] => 0 [normal_price_after_tax] => 0,00 [product_description] => baltic elastic 2 haken safety line 2m schwarz A safety line together with a safety harness or life jacket with integrated safety harness is a good way to avoid falling overboard, or if you fall overboard be able to get on board again.Baltic Elastic 2-hook is a strong elastic safety line equipped with an overload indicator; this shows if the line has been subjected to such a heavy load that the line must be replaced. Two double action safety hooks. Length 2m. Baltic safety lines are approved according to EN ISO 12401: 2009. [short_description] => baltic elastic 2 haken safety line 2m schwarz [product_manufacturer] => baltic [product_manufacturer_image] => /productmedia/_manufacturers/baltic.jpg [product_manufacturer_image_full] => [product_quantity] => 1 [product_scenario_title] => [product_scenario_description] => [is_new] => [is_fr] => [is_fd] => [product_type] => Baltic schwimmwesten [product_type_image] => [product_type_label] => baltic/ [product_type_link] => /baltic/ [product_type_title] => Baltic rettungsweste kaufen? | [product_type_menu] => Baltic schwimmwest kaufen? >> Baltic rettungsweste >> shop online >> kostenlose Lieferung >> alles auf Lager >> Der Schwimmwesten Spezialist [size_table] => [seotitle] => baltic elastic 2 haken safety line 2m schwarz - | Baltic schwimmwesten [metakeywords] => baltic elastic 2 haken safety line 2m schwarz , 0107-000-1 , baltic , Baltic schwimmwesten [metadescription] => baltic elastic 2 haken safety line 2m schwarz >> Vor 21 Uhr bestellt, direkt geschickt | >> shop Baltic schwimmwesten >> Kostenloser versand und Rückversand [media_url] => [sku] => 0107-000-1 [no_other_products_in_group] => 1 [no_product_attribute_values] => 1 [no_product_combinations] => 0 [canonical_url] => [show_annotation] => [annotation_key] => [annotation_content] => [alternate_urls_html] => [alternate_hreflang_urls_html] => [standard_delivery_time] => 2 [categories_name] => [categories_link] => /products/wnc [related_combi_count] => 0 [related_products_count] => 3 [products_in_category_count] => 50 [google_product_sizes] => Array ( [0] => stdClass Object ( [size] => One Size [barcode] => 7392715010713 [stock] => 4 [sort_order] => 8000 [delivery_time] => 2 [expected_delivery_date] => 0001-01-01 00:00:00 [size_type_id] => 222811 [size_id] => 237860 [availability] => inStock ) ) [google_product_first_size] => One Size [google_product_first_size_barcode] => 7392715010713 [google_product_id] => 0107-000-1-7392715010713 [google_product_category] => 1128 [google_product_type] => Baltic schwimmwesten [google_product_name] => baltic elastic 2 haken safety line 2m schwarz [google_product_total_value] => 57.843 [symbol_present] => 0 [cart_id] => -1 [review_rating] => [review_rating_rounded] => 0 [review_no] => 0 [language] => de_DE [country] => DE [vat] => 21 [title] => baltic elastic 2 haken safety line 2m schwarz - [googleanalytics] => [winkel] => [urlencodedtitle] => [selected_menu_item] => baltic/ [trustpilot_id] => 2131120 [google_page_category] => product [shop_label] => wnc_schwimmwestenshopde [_domain_mapping__dm_url] => [shop_domain] => [shop_email_domain] => [release-key] => asd736fdas65dsdf [row_no] => [detail_image_normal] => /productmedia/wnc_schwimmwestenshopde/_images/3/0107-000-1_3_3.jpg [detail_image_full] => /productmedia/wnc_schwimmwestenshopde/_images/0/0107-000-1_3_0.jpg [row_type] => Odd [prop_formaat] => [prop_kleur] => [other_product_in_group_image_small] => /productmedia/wnc_schwimmwestenshopde/_images/3/0106-000-1_0_3.jpg [other_product_in_group_name] => elastic 3 haken safety line 2m schwarz [other_product_in_group_slug] => baltic/baltic-elastic-3-haken-safety-line-2m-schwarz [link_id] => 235893 [attribute_id] => 222811 [attribute_menu] => [attribute_name] => Größe [products_attribute_id] => 10467952 [products_attribute_price] => 0 [attribute_value_image] => [attribute_value_id] => 237860 [attribute_value_name] => One Size [attribute_value_menu] => One Size [attribute_value_sort_order] => 8000 [selected] => 1 [isSelected] => )
baltic elastic 2 haken safety line 2m schwarz
A safety line together with a safety harness or life jacket with integrated safety harness is a good way to avoid falling overboard, or if you fall overboard be able to get on board again.
Baltic Elastic 2-hook is a strong elastic safety line equipped with an overload indicator; this shows if the line has been subjected to such a heavy load that the line must be replaced. Two double action safety hooks. Length 2m. Baltic safety lines are approved according to EN ISO 12401: 2009.
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